Saturday, July 26, 2008


I've been looking at converting a vehicle to electric for a while now. It takes time to research as there is very little in book form however the internet is a fantastic medium for like minded people. I joined the Australian Electric Vehicle Association (AEVA) and reading their forum it is a must if you're thinking of doing a conversion. Zero Emission Vehicles Australia (ZEVA) based in Western Australia has a good website and they have gear to sell and have recently done a project where they converted a 1990 Mazda MX5, nice job too.

I was originally going to convert a Ford Courier Xtracab using lead acid batteries (about 760kg worth) but then I saw on ebay an RX7 and with some recalculations I’ve opted for the RX7. Of course the kids think it’s the bees knees!

We had a look at it and the body is in excellent condition, it has no rust and has just primer over most of the body. Put a bid in for it and got it for $580 not bad! Hired a truck to transport it home and is now sitting in the garage. It doesn’t have an engine, gearbox, driveshaft, front windscreen and the two front seats; everything else is supposed to be there……….we’ll see. Bought two gearboxes today for $350 should have one good one from the two. Next I’ll be seeking a driveshaft.

To get an idea what I’m doing check out these websites………. This is a very thorough step by step conversion, worth spending a bit of time to look and watch the videos. I was going to do the same conversion. I’m going to use his motor, controller and other stuff. The forum that I read and am active in.

If you can find the documentary "Who killed the electric car" watch it as it'll blow you away with the blatant conniving of the car and oil industries who don't want electric vehicles.

I'll post some photos when I figure out how to do it.

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